Discovering the What & Why of the Catholic Faith

Books for Purchase


The Mysteries of Life Revealed in Sacred Art

60 masterpieces, reproduced in full color!

An investigation of Western art from the Catholic Church's perspective, Images of the Unseen reveals art's sacramental nature: its innate power to make visible the invisible and to render ideas such as hope, beauty, and the goodness of life tangible. This book goes beyond a mere discussion of art to penetrate life's mysteries: who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. In so doing, it will help the reader to develop not only a more profound understanding of art, but of man, the creator of art, himself.

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How the Teachings of the Catholic Church Lead Us to Christ

Jesus Christ is the most influential man who ever lived. But do you really know Him? It is the premise of Come and See that the Catholic Church holds the key to discovering the fullness of truth about who Jesus is, why He came, and how we can enter into a relationship with Him. This book is for anyone who wishes to draw closer to Jesus and feels called to seriously investigate the teachings of His Church. It will help the reader go beyond merely knowing what the Church teaches to understanding why she teaches it, and how her doctrines really do bring us closer to Jesus.

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The Search for Lasting Meaning In a Passing World

"Who am I?" "Where did I come from and where am I going?" "Why is there suffering in the world?" Drawing upon the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Catholic Church, along with the works of philosophy, poetry, literature, and art, Above the Sun contemplates these questions on the deepest levels, presenting the reader with a clear contrast between following the way of the world and following the way of God.

Above the Sun shows how in uniting ourselves to Jesus Christ we discover our true worth and purpose, maintain a spirit of hopefulness in the midst of daily trials, and are steadily transformed from sinfulness to holiness, from death to life. In Jesus we not only receive the promise of future happiness in heaven — that realm above the sun — but we begin to experience that happiness in a real way here on earth.

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